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专 zhuan

Home Pinyin zhuan

大专 dàzhuān college

专场 zhuānchǎng special

专访 zhuānfǎng interview

专攻 zhuāngōng specialise; specialize

专柜 zhuānguì counter

专横 zhuānhèng imperious; imperiously; imperiousness

专辑 zhuānjí album

专家 zhuānjiā expert; experts; specialist; specialists

专科 zhuānkē specialist; specialities

专栏 zhuānlán column; rubric

专利 zhuānlì patent; patentable; patented; patents

专卖 zhuānmài monopoly

专卖店 zhuānmài diàn specialty store

专门 zhuānmén devoted; specialised; specialized

专区 zhuānqū zone

专题 zhuāntí monographic; special topic; thematic; topical

专为 zhuān wèi designed for

专项 zhuānxiàng special item

专心 zhuānxīn concentrate; engrossing

专业 zhuānyè profession; professionalism; specialises; specialising; specializations; specializes; specializing; vocational

专业课 zhuānyèkè professional course

专一 zhuānyī single-minded; specific; undivided

专营 zhuānyíng franchise; franchised

专用 zhuānyòng dedicated; purpose-built

专员 zhuānyuán commissioner; commissioners

专着 zhuānzhe monograph

专政 zhuānzhèng dictatorship

专制 zhuānzhì absolutism; absolutist; autocratic

专注 zhuānzhù attentiveness; focus

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce